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 Home Garden Memberships Year-Round Membership Year-Round Membership - The "Extra" + Friends of the Garden Membership

Year-Round Membership - The "Extra" + Friends of the Garden Membership

Choose this membership level if you want to visit the Garden often throughout the whole year, PLUS get extra benefits and perks.

Enjoy all the perks of a University of Alberta Botanic Garden pass plus free membership to Friends of the Garden.

  • Unlimited regular admissions to the Garden for one person, year round (including winter opening) during open hours
  • Two free admission passes for guests (of the same type of pass)
  • 10% off concession purchases
  • 10% off dining experiences (eg. Twilight Picnics, Northern Light Dining, Brunch)
  • Special membership pricing on most events and activities – with new opportunities offered regularly
  • First-in-line opportunity for select Garden events

Annual Membership Prices

  • Adult | $95
  • Senior | $75.75
  • Youth / Student | $48.25
  • Child | $25.50
  • Family | $214.25

Year-Round Membership (Adult) + Friends of the Garden

The Year-Round Adult Memebership gives guests unlimited regular admission to the Garden (including winter opening) and extra perks throughout the year.

Year Round-Membership (Child) + Friends of the Garden

The Year-Round Child Membership gives guests 3 to 12 years of age unlimited regular admission to the Garden (including winter opening) and extra perks throughout the year.

Year-Round Membership (Family) + Friends of the Garden

The Year-Round Family Membershhip gives you and your family unlimited regular admission to the Garden (including winter opening) and extra perks throughout the year.

Year-Round Membership (Senior) + Friends of the Garden

The Year-Round Senior Membership gives guests 65+ unlimited regular admission to the Garden (including winter opening) and extra perks throughout the year.

Year-Round Membership (Student) + Friends of the Garden

The Year-Round Student Membership gives inidivduals with a valid post-secondary school ID unlimited regular admission to the Garden (including winter opening) and extra perks throughout the year.

Year-Round Membership (Youth) + Friends of the Garden

The Year-Round Youth Membership gives guests 13 to 17 years of age unlimited regular admission to the Garden (including winter opening) and extra perks throughout the year.